Matches you to the right media to illuminate your story
Our robust discovery database is built to find and match the right influencer to represent your brand
Create great influencer campaigns and content in a fraction of the time it would take you to do it manually
Elevate your digital presence by reaching to thousands all across India in a few clicks
Influencer Marketing Facts
No. of influencer campaigns
going live daily
No. of emerging influencers
No. of brands in need of
influencer marketing campaigns
Create Campaigns
in a BINC of an eye!
- Perfect Matches
- Chat 1:1 with your selected partners
- Pre-Plan your budgets
Reach your audience ASAP
Sign up today & start receiving influencer matches instantly
Unleash Opportunities
Engage and Collaborate with the brands and influencers you love
Save Money
Cost-effective and easy way to collaborate with influencers and brands
Drive Action
Boost your brand through high quality, engaging and effective content
Payment Guarantee
We assure timely payments for the executed campaigns.
Maximize Growth
Measure success and advance your performance of your published campaign